Division Sponsors
Antique Vehicle Art and Pam Matthews IHO Sandy and Jim Costello
Dressage Division Anonymous Sponsor
Large Single Pony Carol Ilacqua
Novice Whip Dirk and Karen Young
Pair/Tandem Carol Frank
Single Horse, 2-Wheel Carlos and Jennifer Gavilondo
Single Horse, 4-Wheel Barb, Matt and Wendy Ferro IMO Dr. Phil Ferro and Acoma Sea Storm
Small Single Pony Sarah Webster
Very Small Equine Dr. Susan Orosz
Grand Championship Sponsors
Single Horse Grand Champion, the Katherine Fairchild Stebbins trophy: Barb, Matt and Wendy Ferro IMO Dr. Phil Ferro and Acoma Sea Storm
Single Pony Grand Champion Cynthia Ann Pratt
Antique Vehicle Champion Len and Lorie Riedl
CVCA Gentleman Champion Cherry Valley Carriage Association
CVCA Lady Champion IMO Pamela Braund Cherry Valley Carriage Association
Large Single Pony Champion Maggie Hope
Novice Whip Champion, The Charles Stebbins Fairchild Memorial Trophy Mike and Velda Ward
Pair/Tandem Champion, The George Shute Memorial Trophy The Putney Family
Single Horse, 2 Wheel Champion Sandra PatrizioIMO Surprise Package aka “Buster”
Single Horse, 4 Wheel Champion Barb, Matt and Wendy Ferro IMO Dr. Phil Ferro and Acoma Sea Storm
Small Single Pony Champion, The Sharon Rudnick Trophy Wally and Gayonne McDonald
Very Small Equine Champion, The Kateland Farms Trophy Teresa Jackson
Trophies and Awards
Best Dressage Score Award Gail Aumiller
Best Combined Score for Dressage and Timed Country Drive IMO Eliza Walbridge Margaret Walbridge
Best Score on the Town and Country Pleasure Drive, The Margaret F. Hubbard Memorial Trophy Dave and Sharon Burch
Concours d’Elegance, The R. James Hubbard Trophy The Ferro Family
Highpoint Morgan Horse, The Lawrence Apply Memorial Trophy Valerie Logston, Saddleback Farm
Lady to Drive on the Pleasure Drive, the Jane Sadoff Memorial Trophy The Sadoff Family
Novice Whip High Point VSE Leslie Seidel, Farm House Custom Embroidery
Robert Fisher Local Driver Champion The Robert Fisher Family
Secretary’s Award Taylor K. Pelcher
Single Pony with most points in Obstacles, The Margaret Sawmiller Trophy Ann Marshall
Sportsmanship Award in memory of George Hoffman Weese and Gordon Moore
Tiny Rubenstein Award for Competitive Joy and Spirit Jeff and Julie Rubenstein
Voss Exemplary Volunteer Award Jack and Sue Voss
Welsh High Point Award Carolina Welsh Club
Preliminary Single Horse Dressage Diane Brandow-Swope, Spruce Valley Stables
Training Single Horse Dressage Judy Larter
Training Single Pony Dressage Taylor Pelcher, Rolling Dice Farm
Class 1 Single Horse 2 Wheel Turnout Suzy Beyer IMO Christi Dynasty
Class 3 Single Horse 2 Wheel Reinsmanship Sandra Eckert
Class 4 Single Horse 2 Wheel Town and Country Pleasure Drive Pace Linda Rogers
Class 6 Single Horse 2 Wheel Working Russell and Judy Cary
Class 7 Single Horse 4 Wheel Turnout Barb, Matt and Wendy Ferro IMO Dr. Phil Ferro and Acoma Sea Storm
Class 9 Single Horse 4 Wheel Reinsmanship Sandra Patrizio IMO Surprise Package aka “Buster”
Class 12 Single Horse 4 Wheel Working Carol Frank
Class 13 Small Single Pony Turnout Margaret Shenker
Class 14 Small Single Pony Reinsmanship Wendy Taylor
Class 18 Small Single Pony Working Lydianne Spencer-Jones IMO Foxmor on the Spot
Class 19 Large Single Pony Turnout Leslie Bottaro
Class 21 Large Single Pony Reinsmanship Nancy Novak
Class 23 Large Single Pony Working Christine Dascher
Class 25 VSE Turnout Sarah Reitz IHO Kevin and Carol Gutliph, Windswept Acres Appaloosas
Class 27 VSE Reinsmanship Jim and Patty Dungey
Class 30 VSE Working Sarah Reitz IHO Kevin and Carol Gutliph, Windswept Acres Appaloosas
Class 37/43 Novice Whip Turnout Martha Wason
Class 39/44 Novice Whip Working Leigh Semilof
Class 41/48 Novice Whip Reinsmanship Judy Sobczak IHO My Supporters
Class 50 Pair/Tandem Turnout Kevin and Carol Gutliph, Windswept Acres Appaloosas
Class 51 Pair/Tandem Working AJ and Cindy Torelli
Class 57 Pair/Tandem Reinsmanship Thomas Talbott III
Class 59 Carriage Dog Diane Voss IMO Pia
Class 60 Grooms’ Class Hannah Polson and Joshua Bechard
Class 61 Picnic Class Marjie Wason Tormey IMO Jay W. Wason, Sr. and Martha Dolan Wason
Class 62a/b Drive and Ride Mimi Hall IMO Dun for the Night; aka Derby
Class 63 Antique Vehicle Turnout Dr. Christina Cable, Early Winter Equine Medicine
Class 64 Antique Vehicle Reinsmanship Sarah Webster
Class 65 Antique Vehicle Working Barbara Lindberg
Class 97 Ladies to Drive Diane Voss
Class 98 Gentlemen to Drive Larry and Glenda Wetzel
Dr. David and Cindy Remley
Gladys Sullivan IMO Robert M. Sullivan
Margaret Walbridge
Nelson and Renee Eddy
Chris White, Jr. and Tricia Remley-White
Jim and Joan McMahon
Martha Moran IMO Susan Dolan Moran
Mike and Shelly Rider
Jack and Sue Voss
Larry and Glenda Wetzel
Steffen and Barbara Wolff
Anonymous donation IMO Arod’s Cameo
James and Nancy Asher
Craig and Carol Buckhout
Paul and Cynthia Curtin
Jack and Mary Beth Romagnoli
Toni Salisbury IMO Robert Salisbury
Lorraine Van Luven IMO Isaill-Mor Ingot
Ted and Barbara Bartlett
Brian and Jenny Coughlin
Ann Ferguson
Mike and Amy Franklin
Stacey Giere
Paul and Dianne Goulette
Dr. Fritz and Janet Koennecke
Alan and Kathy Kostrubanic
Ken Lehberger
Mary Dougherty Lehberger
John and Allison Livermore IMO the Gravestock and Livermore families
Dr. Tim and Cynthia McCall
Nancy Novak
Gerard and Gigi Redmond
Linda Seawall
Lindsay Shea IHO Martha Moran
AJ and Cindy Torelli
Mike and Velda Ward