Award to be given to the Single Please Horse put to a 2-wheel vehicle accumulating the most points in their appropriate classes.
A gift will be presented for permanent possession.
Award to be given to the Single Please Horse put to a 4-wheel vehicle accumulating the most points in their classes.
A gift will be presented for permanent possession.
The Katherine Fairchild Stebbins Perpetual Memorial Trophy
Trophy winner to be determined by a drive-off as a working class between the Single Pleasure Horse Champions of the 2-wheel and 4-wheel divisions.
The trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a gift will be presented for permanent possession.
The Sharon Rudnick Perpetual Memorial Trophy
In memory of Sharon Rudnick, this trophy was originaly sponsored b the New York state Plantation Tennessee Walking Horse Club of which Sharon was a member. Several years later Harold and Ruth Rudnick (2nd wife) resumed the sponsorship in memory of Harold’s deceased first wife, Sharon. Sharon and Harold were long-time members of the Cherry Valley Carriage association and very active driving their horses in the Earlville, NY area on state and local roads
Award to be given to the Small Single Pony (excluding Novice Pony Classes) accumulating the most points in their appropriate classes.
The trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a gift will be presented for permanent possession.
Award to be given to the Large Single Pony (excluding Novice Pony Classes) accumulating the most points in their appropriate classes.
A gift will be presented for permanent possession.
Award to be given to the Single (large or small) Pony (excluding Novice Pony Classes) accumulating the most points in their respective six classes of the small or the large single pony division. In the event of a tie in points between the small and large ponies, there will be a drive-off under ADS Working Class specifications.
A gift will be presented for permanent possession.
The Margaret Sawmiller Perpetual Memorial Trophy
Margaret Sawmiller served on the Board of Lorenzo until 1994 and was a former President of the Board. Aside from her family, her greatest joys were horse and carriage driving. She was a member of the Cherry Valley Carriage Association, the American Driving Society, and the Carriage Association of America. Margaret was a licensed Pleasure Driving Judge. She will be best remembered as a competitor driving her pony “Pepper.”
Award to be given to the Single Pony (large or small) accumulating the most points in the Obstacle classes during the two days of competition.
The trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a gift will be presented for permanent possession.
The Kateland Farms Very Small Equine Perpetual Trophy
Award to be given to the Single Very Small Equine (Miniature Horse) accumulating the most points in their appropriate classes.
The trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a gift will be presented for permanent possession.
The George Shute Perpetual Memorial Trophy
George Shute was born in Chittenango the son of Stephen & Caroline (Parmlee) Shute. Stephen Shute was an instructor at the Cazenovia Seminary, that died when George was an infant. In 1862, Mr. Shute married Harriet E. Rogers of Chittenango. In 1859, George Shute began to drive the stage-coach from Cazenovia to the New York Central Railroad connection in Chittenango, a 12-mile trip. For 22 years following the Canastota-Cazenovia Railroad coming to Cazenovia, Mr. Shute drove passengers and freight from the depot to their hotels. A Concord Stage belonging to Mr. Shute is on display at the Madison County Historical Society in Oneida, NY.
Award to be given to the Horse, Pony, or Very Small Equine pair or tandem accumulating the most points in their appropriate classes.
The trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a gift will be presented for permanent possession.
Award to be given to the Novice Driver Single Horse accumulating the most points intheir appropriate classes.
A gift will be presented for permanent possession.
Award to be given to the Novice Driver Small And Large Single Pony accumulating the most points in their appropriate classes.
A gift will be presented for permanent possession.
The Charles Stebbins Fairchild Perpetual Memorial Trophy
Trophy winner to be determined by a drive-off between the Novice Whip Single Pony and the Novice Whip Single Horse champion.
The trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a gift will be presented for permanent possession.
The Jane Sadoff Perpetual Memorial Trophy
Donated and sponsored by the Family and Friends of Jane and Mike Sadoff
Mike & Jane Sadoff were not only Charter Members of the Cherry Valley Carriage Association, they hosted in their barn the very first meeting of this local driving group. Since childhood, Jane was a great devotee of driving. Prior to being involved in the CVCA she had trained several ponies to drive. The Sadoff’s then became interested in Arabians, which they trained to ride and drive. Mike was an enthusiastic supporter of Jane’s driving activities. He was a devoted member of the CVCA and took an active role in many of the organization’s projects.
Award to be given to the most appropriate turn-out for a Lady to drive on the Pleasure Drive
The trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a gift will be presented for permanent possession.
The R. James Hubbard Perpetual Memorial Trophy
R. James Hubbard (1908-1980)
Mr. Hubbard was the son of Robert F. Hubbard & Helen Seymour Ledyard. He married Margaret Froelich in 1934. Mr. Hubbard served as Mayor of Cazenovia from 1943-1944, and was a member of the New York State Parks Commission. Mr. & Mrs. Hubbard were involved in the Lorenzo Driving Competition from its inception. Their love of horses and carriage driving inspired them to encourage the creation of the event and their generosity in allowing the use of their property and trails has permitted the Marathon to become a reality. It remains an essential component of the event.
Awarded to the winner of the Concours d’elegance. To be judged during the Marathon.
The trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a gift will be presented for permanent possession.
The Pamela Braund Perpetual Memorial Trophy
Donated and sponsored by the Cherry Valley Carriage Association
Pamela Braund was the youngest daughter of the Cherry Valley Carriage Association founding President Darwin G. & Carol V. Braund. She lost her life in a tragic automobile accident on August 19, 1986 at the age of 18. Pam began her involvement with carriage driving at age 11 by attending the first organizational meetings of the CVCA with her parents & sisters. Her first ribbon was won the following year at the 4th Lorenzo Driving Competition in 1982. Her last involvement with Lorenzo was in July 1986, just a month before her death.
Award to be given to the female member of CVCA accumulating the most points in this competition with a single entry.
The trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a gift will be presented for permanent possession.
Donated and sponsored by the Cherry Valley Carriage Association
Award to be given to the gentleman member of CVCA accumulating the most points in this competition with a single entry.
The trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a gift will be presented for permanent possession.
The Lawrence Appley Perpetual Memorial Trophy
Donated by The American Management Association
For 32 years, Lawrence A. Appley owned the internationally recognized Morgan Horse facility, Saddleback Farm, in Hamilton, NY. The farm produced many renowned Morgans. Mr. Appley was past-President of the American Morgan Horse Association and served on its Board of Directors. He is fondly remembered driving their famous pair, “Applevale Challenger” and “Trophy’s Emerald,” with Fred Herrick. As a result of his determination and vision, Mr. Appley brought the American Management Association to the shores of Lake Moraine, in Hamilton. His career also included teaching at Colgate University and serving as a member of numerous Boards of Trustees.
Award to be given to the Morgan Horse which accumulates the most points at this competition. The horse may be entered as a horse or pony and may be shown in more than one division by more than one whip.
A Trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a ribbon from the Morgan Horse Association will be presented to the winner.
Donated and sponsored by the Friends of Bob Fisher
For the 25th Annual Lorenzo Driving Competition, a special award was created to honor a local horseman, Bob Fisher. A Charter Member of the CVCA, Bob, then 90 years young, had certainly seen times change. At the age of 10 he drove a draft team from his East Lake Road Farm the 12-mile round trip to Cazenovia Lake to harvest ice blocks. He humbly admits that he wasn’t alone, as there were other teams there too, waiting their turn. During school days, Bob drove his sister and himself to school down the steep, winding road of Brinkerhoff Hill to Chittenango.
As horse drawn vehicles became less of a necessity, Bob continued to maintain his connection to driving horse. He raised Welsh Ponies for both riding and driving, and shown by his daughters Kaye & Mary at such places as Ithaca, Brookfield and the New York State Fair. A supporter of local equestrian events, Bob competed in the first 2 Lorenzo Driving Competitions with a Morgan named “Kastan,” owned by Nancy Kepler.
Awarded to the competitor living within a 25 mile radius of Cazenovia, accumulating the most points during the two days of competition. The award includes a pewter plaque, $100 and membership to the CVCA.
The trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a gift will be presented for permanent possession.
George Hoffman has been called the “ambassador of driving” for good reason. He always had a helping hand to offer, a quick smile to beam, a robust handshake of thanks or congratulations and a willingness to work at whatever job needed doing. George spent time in the service, owned a successful business and held many positions with the YMCA and his church. He was a respected member of his community and a loving husband and father to his family. George served as a mentor to many competitors, officials and organizers in the driving world, in both pleasure and combined driving. He represented the United States at the Royal Windsor Horse Show in 1992, winning second place. His co-competitor was Morgan Woods Yankee, known as Jesse.
Awarded to the competitor or non-competitor attending the competition who best exemplifies the outstanding sportsmanship of our long time Technical Delegate, George Hoffman. Chosen by the Organizing Committee and Officials.
The trophy is to remain on display at Lorenzo; a gift will be presented for permanent possession.
Donated & Sponsored by Jeff Rubenstein
Award to the competitor who, by consensus of the judges, best demonstrates the values Tiny embraced; safety, attention to the needs of the horse(s), and having fun. All competitors are eligible.
The trophy to remain on display at Lorenzo; an award will be given for permanent possession.