Please use the QR code to access the online entry form. Payment for entry is via Paypal. For any questions or assistance please contact show secretary Taylor Pelcher.
Combined Test (CDE style):
Dressage Tests:
Training Test C, Preliminary Test C, Intermediate Test B
Special non-divisional Obstacle Class held in main ring on Friday.
Competitors can choose to compete in one or all of the Friday class offerings.
Our pleasure show has been the main stay of our event for the past 45 years. We offer a Utility Division along with our traditional horse and pony divisions for singles and multiples. Special Friday afternoon classes include Antique Vehicle Turnout, Ladies to Drive and Gentlemen to Drive.
Single Pleasure Horse, 2-wheel
Single Pleasure Horse, 4-wheel
Single Pleasure Pony, Small
Single Pleasure Pony, Large
Single Very Small Equine
Junior Whip Classes - (working, reinsmanship and scurry obstacles)
Pair/Tandem: Horses, Ponies, (large & small) and VSE’s - division will be divided if entries warrant
Novice Whip - division will be divided if entries warrant
Antique Vehicle Division (working, turnout and reinsmanship only)
Utility: Single horse and pony - division will be divided if entries warrant
The Main Ring and the Obstacle Ring are natural grass rings. Their rolling topography is typical of the country pleasure show that we strive to depict. In order to qualify for championships, competitors should enter the following classes for their respective division:
-Gamblers Choice
-Pick Your Route Obstacles
-House Rules Sunday Drive
Drive notes: This is a completely off-road pace that will be run Lorenzo and neighboring properties. Course no more than 5k to test the whip's skill in negotiating a cross-country drive at prescribed pace. Alternate vehicles must be indicated on entry form. Spares required but not checked. Competitors must arrive at the finish as close to the ideal time as possible. The nature of the course is appropriate for carriages of all types from antique to marathon-type.
Absolutely NO marathon/utility type vehicles will be permitted to be named as alternate vehicle.
Picnic Class - to be held prior to lunch in main ring Saturday, picnic set up location TBD.
Reinsmanship Challenge- open to all winners of reinsmanship classes throughput show to be held first class after lunch Sunday in main ring
Carriage Dog
Drive & Ride
Grooms Class
Ladies to Drive Class
Gentlemen to Drive Class